Dr. Cocoa Puffs

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Sunday, December 09, 2007


The trip to Kansas went well. I successfully brined a turkey, all siblings and family were well-visited and we took advantage of the great exchange rate. Although maybe I should have made more use of that as I stand in front of my wardrobe and bemoan not buying that cute $12 camisole at tar-jay or that beautiful $40 sweater at express. Hate my clothes. Hate my clothes. (Actually like most my clothes, just feeling uninspired).

Since our return I turned 34 and we celebrated in true thirtysomething fashion: sushi, Japanese beer and falling asleep in front of Seinfeld DVDs at 11:30. Blame the early night on the jetlag.

In other news, I have resurrected the ole Laptop Lunchbox and am enjoying lunching on food I like and not MSG-laden cafeteria food or overpriced mediocrity.

Did I mention that the Seinfeld DVD set is autographed by none other than Mr. Jerry Seinfeld himself? What would I do without the Guitar Hero? Yes, I'm lucky.

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