About Me
- Name: CocoaPuffs
- Location: Germany
Hi! I'm neither a doctor nor a huge fan of Cocoa Puffs, but my husband, the Guitar Hero, thinks I'm slightly nutty. Ergo the nickname. We live in a thriving northern German metropolis, about the polar opposite of my hometown in Kansas. After 8 years, you'd think I'd be over the culture shock. But I still stumble across things that surprise me. And get all snarky about them. I work more than I should, occasionally live out my theatrical side (and occasionally get paid for it) and hang out with the Guitar Hero in my spare time. Cause he's my favorite person. And I like food, shopping and wine. And Benefit cosmetics.
At 6:16 PM,
Skattebol said…
Happy birthday to the Guitar Hero. I hope that you are celebrating the day with some wine and brewskies. I could fedex some hor d'ourves to round out the day...
At 6:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Skaterbol! I'll pass on those hor d'ourves, as I am already woozy from my jetlag. By the way, I must look a lot older already - your ex-cat doesn't even recognize me (or the doctor, for that matter) and acts quite indifferent to us. Almost as if she is trying to make the point that it's not cool for us to just run away for three weeks. That is HARD to deal with when you're a cat!
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