Dr. Cocoa Puffs

Vollidioten labern lassen verhindert Kapitalverbrechen

Friday, February 22, 2008

I am such a cliche...

... and I'm soooo white!

Friday, February 08, 2008

The Femmes

After working so much in four days that I accumulated enough overtime to theoretically take an entire week off, I took a free day today. And went out and finally, finally bought the Violent Femmes CD. The one that Skaterbol and I listened to on the record player (back when people still rode horses) in our parents' living room when I was 12. One of the most awesome albums ever and I can't explain why it took me over twenty years to pick up the CD. But now I own it punks! I rock! 'Specially when I'm jammin' out to it in yoga pants and the Guitar Hero's old sweatshirt.
