And the award goes to...
In other news: check out Mrs. Kennedy's cool new t-shirts. I'll be wearing a red one soon, but you can feel free to copy my incredibly cool fashion sense.
In vacation news: we booked our flights for the states. Kansas, here we come. Look forward to plenty of posts about the insanity of spending three weeks with my collected family. Thank god, there'll be lots of liquor.
In acting news: I haven't signed the contract yet, but all systems are a-go for a little low-budget thriller co-starring yours truly. It's with a real director, a real film crew and I actually have lines and stuff. I play a pretty American girl. I know, a real stretch. Yay me!
Sorry this is so boring, but we are continuing to have problems with our 1+1 piece o'shit high-speed internet. This means the Doctor can't always post when something interesting or funny happens. By the time the internet's up and running again, I'm too pissed off to write anything. Everyone together: 1+1 sucks, sucks, sucks (enter really disgusting thing 1+1 should suck).