Bought a bag!
The Guitar Hero's on a mission, too, and that's to travel with one bag only. We've been checking out innovative ways of space-saving packing, and I think about how far we've come in the past seven years. This is the man who carried a portable chess computer and tupperware full of snacks on our first overseas trip together because 'you never know'; actually, he carried that chess computer and snacks with him just about everywhere. The latter can be blamed on his German-ness, the former's just weird.
In other news, we discovered that Friskie might just be more clever than any of us thought. Last Saturday morning, we awoke at 7:30 to the sound of our neighbor knocking on our OPEN apartment door. The cat, of course, was nowhere in the apartment - the Guitar Hero found her in the stairwell, down several flights. That damn cat had apparently decided she'd had enough of our weekend late-sleeping shenanigans and decided to go an adventure, probably to find food. Needless to say, we're being more careful about double-locking the door. I tried to tell the Guitar Hero that a dog, say a beagle, would have warned us, but he's not buying it. Damn.
Labels: Guitar Hero, handbags, travel